Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant


The ARTAS® Robotic Hair Restoration System is the world's first intelligent hair transplant platform to utilize state-of-the-art robotic and artificial intelligence technology. This robotic hair transplant system offers precise, efficient, and repeatable harvesting with simultaneous recipient site making and implantation functionalities in a single, compact platform. Treatment costs will be determined during your consultation with your doctor and depend on the amount of new hair that you desire. Discuss the procedure pricing with your doctor, as some doctors may offer payment options.


NeoGraft is an FDA-cleared machine used for hair transplantation. It uses a minimally invasive method that is a variation of the FUE technique, which involves harvesting hair grafts one at a time instead of cutting a strip of skin from a donor site like the back of the head (FUT technique/Strip Method). NeoGraft uses an automated handheld device to remove follicles and implant them in balding areas.